Putnam County Queries A - L
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Modified - 6/10/98
This page will no longer have new queries posted. Please go to the above
link to post your query about people who lived in Putnam county. The queries
below will be moved to the new forum asap, but this task is not high on
my list. Please feel free to re-post your own queries on the new site.
Then your surnames will be indexed across the country. Thanks for your
help. Celia Tomlin, Putnam co. MO GenWeb Project Coordinator
- I am looking for information about Elvin Allen and Elizabeth Claybrook
of Putnam co. Missouri. Their child, Janie Allen m. Evan Mullanix of
Putnam co. I think Elvin was b. in Georgia. Bruce
Mullenix, 3/97
- Looking for the descendants of Isaiah Allen, b. @1820, VA; m. Ede
Clevenger in Wood co. VA on 20 Oct 1839. They are listed in the 1850
Ritchie co. VA Census as follows: Isaiah, age 30, VA, farmer; Ede, 28, VA;
George W., 9 VA; Elizabeth, 6, VA; Minor, 4, VA; Sarah J, 1, VA. From a few
clues I have found over the past 12 years, this family may have gone to Putnam
co. MO or Montgomery co., TN. If anyone knows anything about this family or
is a descendant, please contact me. Ron
Cleaven, 8/97
- I am looking for any information on the community of Ayersville,
Putnam County, MO. Some of my ancesters lived there, and I would like to know
more about it. One person is Samuel Willets Ayers. Other names are: Charles
Samuel Ayers, Lura Alice Williams, John Samuel Ayers.
June L. Owens, 10/97
- I have researched my Baird line in MO for a number of years. Family
tradition states that my ancestor, James Baird left KY for Ralls co.
MO and later migrated on to Dodge co., which later became Putnam co. Is that
incorrect? John C. Baird, 10/97
- I am searching for descendants of Burrel Banister. Two daughters
are listed in the 1860 Putnam Co. census in Richland Township. Malinda and
Wilson Daily had children: Mary E. 15, James 13, Rebecca 10, Hezakiah
8, and William C. Her sister was Sarah Pruitt, m. to Elijah. These
folks came from Bartholomew and Jennings Co. IN. Are any of these families
listed in any of the local cemeteries. I've lost their trail. Came to Putnam
Co. with several Stuckey families. Paul
Banister, 10/97
- Looking for Nancy J. Bell b. 25 Oct 1830, in Unionville, MO; m.
Francis Marham in Unionville; m. 2nd? Davis. Brad
Mathews, 4/97
Response: Have you looked at the 1850 Putnam co. MO Census? There is
a Frances M. MARCUM, age 22, b KY living next door to William & Elizabeth
BELL. Frances's wife is listed as Mary J, age 20, b KY and a dau. Elizabeth,
age 11/12. Note: Census reports not always 100% correct. Take a look and make
your own judgements. There are more names to consider in the area.
- Could someone check the Putnam co. Marriage Records between 1840-70 for
Berry family records? Thanks for any help. Peggy
Berry Sutherlin, 12/97
- I am seeking to verify the maiden name of Mary A. BRADSHAW who died
on November 20, 1875 and is buried in Unionville Cemetary and was the first
wife of Andrew Jackson BRADSHAW. Sam
Redding, 5/97
- Lydia Luella Brown, b. 23 May 1870, IN; d. 30 Jan 1968, buried in
Unionville MO; m. Alfred Lawson, b. 18 Oct 1871; d. 1 Sept 1948 in
Unionville, MO. Son, Rollie Lawson, b. 27 Jan 1881 in Unionville; d. 3 July
1976 in Baldwin Park, CA. Kelley Lawson,
- I am looking for information about my grandmother Henrietta Brown
Phillips, b. Putnam Co. MO, Oct 19, 1881 and information about her parents
Courtland Brown, b. NY, Feb 1849 and Sarah Klinefelter Brown,
b. Morrow Co. Ohio?. Larry Bradley,
- Can anyone give me the diretions to the Ledford Cemetery in Putnam co?
I have numerious Butler ancestors in this cemetery. Thank you for your
help. Ron Butler, 8/97
- I know the above family has been in Putnam co. for several years. From
the studies I have done, the two names were spelled differently, but originated
from 2 brothers. I also noticed none of the members of the Walter family
were in your list and indeed go back to the person who owned the ground where
the Rebels Cove State Access area is. In fact this family goes back to when
Lord Baltimore settled Maryland. RMuder,
- James W. Casteel, b. 17 May 1844, served in Union Army 1864-66 with
Company C 12th Missouri Volunteer Calvary. Parents may be Lewis and Susan
Casteel. James m. Mary Katherine Mouser and lived in Unionville
Putnam co. MO. Any information on these people would be appreciated. Thank
you. Patti Simpson, 1/98
- I'm searching for descendants of Richard CHRISTAL/CHRYSTAL b. 1780
Greenbrier Co. WV/VA and Elizabeth BYARS b. 1802 Wayne Co. KY. Children:
b. Wayne Co., KY: 1. Milton b.1802, m. Rebeciah Barton ISBELL,b.1809
2. Silas R. b. 1810, m. Elizabeth BURNETT,b. 1811 3. Richard Steward,
b. 1816, m. Jemina TUTTLE,b.1835/Martha _?_ 4. Jane, b. ?, m. Patton
MARTIN; 5. Anna b. ? m. James PHIPPS 6. Catherine b. ? m. Eliza
MAJORS. Believe most of these children married and lived for a time
in Wayne Co. KY before moving to Macon/Putnam Co. MO @1839. Silas R. &
Elizabeth Christal and children later moved with their families to
Denton Co.TX @1853. Nancy Cleere Rodgers,
See My Home Page 5/97
- Samuel L. Conn b. Jun 1833 in Ohio; m. Sarah E. Varner 2
Feb 1865 in Putnam, Missouri, parents unknown. They lived in Russell co, Kansas
@ 1900; in Logan co, Kansas @ 1910.
1. Mary Florence, b. 23 Dec 1865, Hume, Bates co, Missouri; m. 1st ?? Fulkerson;
m. 2nd John Wesley Smith, @ 1903 in Jackson co, Missouri, son of George
P. Smith & Dora M. Crouse. They lived in Gove co. Kansas @ 1920;
mostly farmers and stonemasons.
2. Unknown, b. @ 1867, Missouri; m. unknown Wilkinson.
3. George , b. Aug 1875, Missouri; m. Edna F., 1898
4. Thomas, b. July 1877, Missouri.
5. David, b. May 1878, Missouri
6. James E, b. Dec 1882, Kansas
7. Daniel L., b. Jan 1887, Kansas
Diane Goldhammer, 11/97
- Anyone have connections with Henry Daly, b. Putnma co, April 23,
1853? His father was John Lucas Daly; his father's brother was William
Daly. Would be great to hear from you. Donna
Cazadd, 11/97
- Lewis Davis, b. 1820, Franklin co. IN; moved to Putnman co. MO in
1869 with wife, Betsy Wakefield. Both d. and are buried at Unionville.
He was a Chaplain in the Civil War and a minister all his life. As near as
I an determine, he founded the Christian Church in Unionville. I am trying
to confirm that his father was Travis Davis. To anyone researching
any Davis from Putman co., I can probably add to your effors and would be
happy to do so. Thanks. Frank Dickson,
- Seeking information on William H. Dixon and his family. They are
in Putnam Co. by Jan. 27, 1859 when his daughter Learh "Dolly" is born. William
m. Permelia Bradshaw. Children: Mariah (my g-grandmother), b. 1851,
m. John Harr Boyce; Dolly; Melissa Jane, b.1861; William M., b.1863;
Charles W., b.1864; Martha, b.1867; Isaac, b.1868; James, b.1871; Henry, b.1872.
Learh Riggin Dixon, b. 1795 in Maryland; d. on Dixon Farm, Richalnd,
Putnam co 4 Nov 1878. Co. Learh Dixon's daughter Elizabeth m. L.C. Elzey.
Has anybody any info on this marriage. Shirley
Combs, 5/97
- I am the gg-grandaughter of Jacob DOOLEY and Margaret WAKEFIELD. Children:
William, b. @1844-46, KY; Mary J, b. @1850-51, m. O'DAIR; Uriah Ira, b. Aug
8, 1854, m. Captoria DAVIS; Samuel, b. Mar 1857, m. Deborah DAVIS; Margaret,
b. 1859; Squire Washington, b. 1863-64, m.twice; Jacob, b. 1865; Joshua, b.
March 1868, m. Emma COX. Deborah, Uriah, & Samuel were living in Unionville,
MO in 1885. Carla Dooley,
- Seeking information on the DRURY family: James Monroe DRURY enlisted in
the Civil War, 3 Feb 1863 at Unionville; m. Artamisa J. PEARSON, 4 July 1859,
Putnam co. Parents: Isaac DRURY and Hannah REES. At least one brother, Paris
DRURY, m. Mary. Would appreciate knowing more about this family. Elaine
Drury, 3/98
- Peter J. Eitzen, b. 1848, Holstein, Germany, m. Anna Margret Haney,
Nov 16, 1876, Putnum co. MO. Peter immigrated to the US in late 1870. His
last known residence was Hamburg, Germany; traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark;
boarded a ship for Glasgow, Scotland (or perhaps Moville, Ireland) @Sept 15,
1870. I los track of him until his marriage Nov 1876 in MO. They may have
had 1st dau, Williaminna, here @1878. By 1880, they were living in Panora,
Guthrie co. IA where Peter was a baker. They eventually moved to KS. I know
that many times immigrants were drawn to settlements of people they knew from
their home countries. Does anyone know whether there was a German community
in Putnum co, ossibly originating from Holstein? Schleswig- Holstein or Hamburg?
Any help with this family or any Haney's in this county would be appreciated.
Mark Eitzen, 1/98
- Looking for information of a David Farmer and family in Putnam Co.
MO. V. Lee Hale, 12/96
- Looking for information on John Ford, m. 2nd Flora Kaup in
Unionville, MO. around 1890. He and Flora had 2-3 children born in Putnam,
MO and then moved to Harper, KS around 1900. I know the names of most of the
children but not their order of birth or which ones had which mother. Gail
Lies, 6/97
- Looking for information on John and Annie Freeborn both born about
1795 in county Donegal, Ireland. They had a son named Richard, b. 1832 in
county Donegal; m. Sarah Fullhart Hasket, 1866 in Putnam county. Would
also like information on Sarah's parents, Joel and Nancy Milburn Fullhart.
Sarah died in Putnam county in 1910. Richard died in 1914, Putnam county.
Debra Bergmann, 9/97
- Looking for ancestors of William Frost. He came from Lee co., IA
@1850. He was b. in Hamilton co. OH, 1818. He buried at Union Church Cemetery,
Unionville. Any help will be greatly appreciated. C
Frost, 8/97
- William Galloway, b. Floyd co. IN; moved to Putnam co. MO @1867/68;
Children: Henry, b. West Liberty @1868; Ulyess Grant, @1872; Mary, @1874;
Alva, @1877; Sarah Havanah. Other children who moved to MO: Lenard Washington;
Columbus, b. 1857, IA; John, b. @1859, IA; Gideon, b. 3 Aug 1861, Monroe co.
IN; Samuel, b. 8 May 1864, IN; William Sherman, b. 2 Dec 1866, Evanston, IN.
What happened to William & Sarah? did they continue to live in the Putnam
area? Where did they die? Greatful for any answers or suggestions. Betty
Galloway, 2/98
- Researching John Gilson who moved to Putnam County 1873/75. Children
from previous marriage: Elizabeth A.; William Allen; & James P. Where
did the first three children die and who was their mother? Was it Mary Ann
Ruffe? Children from 1862 marriage to Edna Hunter: Millie Ann;
George; Joshua; Oliver Perry; John W.; Mary Alice; Daniel Martin; Thomas Levi.
Can anyone help with this family? Win
Wood, 8/97
- Looking for William Burdine Guffey, m. Rachael Winkler, Putnam
co, 1862. Appreciate any help. J Scott,
- See more family details on Pioneer Page. In 1855,
Josiah laid out a town named West Liberty at a location west of where he had
built a mill on Lucust Creek. The town consisted of three blocks, each containing
eight lots, each lot 80 x 100 feet in size. Main Street ran east and west,
and was sixty feet wide. South Street ran south from and formed a T with Main
Street, and was eighty feet wide. Josiah was appointed postmaster at West
Liberty in 1855. The first store was started by his father, Thomas Harbert.
Thomas, Josiah and wife, and Henry Smith and his wife, Rebecca Jane Harbert,
were the first members of the West Liberty Methodist Episcopal Church organized
in about 1856. The first meetings were in their homes and later they met in
the schoolhouse. I am seeking any additional information on this Harbert Family
and their descendents. Dick Harbert,
10/97 Harbert Family Home Page
- Does anyone know of any Harrelsons from Putnam county. I remember
vaguely that there were some living there sometime. Any help would be appreciated.
GMOM, 12/97
- My husbands great, great grandparents were Andrew Heriford and Frances
Donaldson. We have information that shows Andrew b. Hartford, MO. We
know of at least one dau., Nancy Ann Heriford, b 2Aug 1854, in Hartford.
Nancy Ann m. James Andrew Branaman on 4 Aug 1867 in Hartford. We would
like information on the parents of both Andrew and Frances and any living
descendents of this family. Mary
Sue Branaman, 4/97
- Would like information on any of the following names: Johnathan Jackson
b.13 Dec 1865 d. 29 Aug 1941;
Thomas Glidewell b.29 Oct 1870 d. 31 Dec 1918;
Sarah Etta Buckallew b.14 Jun 1873 d. 6 Feb 1946;
Noah Vincent b.1 May 1909 d.16 Dec 1944;
James Tisco Vincent b.12 May 1891 d.14 July 1952;
David Vincent; Mandy Parkerson;
Minnie Alice Greear b.4 Aug 1883 d.16 July 1965;
Herbert Lee Franklin b.12 May 1891 d.7 Dec1966
Mark Jackson, 12/96
- I am looking for any information about Joseph W. JOHNSON, b. 1828
NC; m. Sarah Mary WATTS, d. 1858. Children: Mary C. b. 1858 in Gilmer
Co, GA; Nancy M. b. Apr 1850 in Gilmer Co, GA; Sarah J. b. 1852 in Gilmer
Co, GA; John Wilburn b. 17 Dec 1853 in Gilmer Co, GA, m. Laura Catherine BONNETT,
20 Dec 1874 in Putnam Co, MO; Florida Elizabeth b. 06 April 1855 in Shelby
Co, IL, m. 1) Alexander Monroe SMITH in Putnam Co, MO 2) John Hayden
WILLIAMSON, 22 Nov. 1874 in Putnam Co, MO, 3) John Wilson WILLIAMSON;
Matilda Josephene b. 25 Sep 1857 in Putnam Co, MO, m. James D. HALLEY
25 Feb 1875 in Putnam Co, MO. Gary Verver,
- Jane MORGAN m. John LAWRENCE in Whitley Co, KY in 1822. They
migrated to Coles Co. Illinois and then Richland Twp, Putnam County, MO prior
to the 1860 census with their children: Louisa, William, Eliza, James, John,
and Sarah. Vicki Hutchison, 6/97
- I am lookng for information regarding Mary MORRIS, b. Jan. 1841, Putnam
co. MO, m. my g-grandfather, William CAMPBELL, in Dade co. MO. Any help would
be very much appreciated. Thanks. Denis
Sawyer, 3/98
- Looking for father of John F. Leech, b. 1 Jan 1838, IN; d. 21 Oct
1925, Putnam co. MO. Father's same was Samuel. See linked descendant chart
for John F. Leech. Leech, 11/97
- Seeking info. on the Lynch family who settled in the Putnam Co. MO. area
in the 1870's. Cyrus J. Lynch b.1856? bp. Clinton Co OH. Son of Leamon
Lynch and Rebecca Patterson of VA. Cyrus Lynch married Martha
A STIVERS of Macon CO. MO. appr. 1880? Cyrus had 10-13 brothers and
sisters several that also settled in the area with their Mother Rebecca. Joseph
M. Lynch married 2 Hubbard girls, Mary Jane Lynch-ANDERS, Martha A.
Lynch Curtis CARR. Thomas m. a BROWN and William m. a LAWSON.
Marty Spencer, 6/97
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