Putnam County Queries M - Z
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for the use of the New Query Forum
Last Modified - 6/12/98
Seeking info on Euphia Baley McClain who married Thomas Jefferson
on 29 July 1858 in Putnam co. MO. Don
Marsh, 4/97
I am looking for information about the cemetery in Mendota, Mo in northern
Putnam county. My mother's family is McKinley. Rollie and Cecil
McKinley, lived around Mendota and Unionville. The old cemetery is on top
of a hill, but is quickly becoming unreadible. Is there a written record
of those buried in this cemetery? Carl
Rankin, 8/97
Robert Franklin MARTIN, b. @1851 and brother John W., b. @1840 in
MO, believe Schuyler Co. John's wife named Sophronia. A Sophronia is listed
in 1870 cenus Schuyler Co. I'm looking for information on names of parents
or any information about them. Robert, m. Charity Funkhouser in Appanoose
Co. Iowa, 1874. I have info on descendants. Dolores
DeBiak, 6/97
Seeking information on Joseph May m. Matilda Partin 28 July
1871 in Adair co, Missouri. Joseph was b. 4 Aug 1848 in Monroe co. Indiana;
d. 28 April 1826; buried in Union Cemetery in Putnam co. He was the son
of Solomon May; His siblings were John W.; James M.; Nancy; Thomas
S. I would like to compare data with other May, Partin, and Mullenix families. Lawrence May , 4/97
Looking for info on Andrew Jackson MEEKER, b.13 Dec 1843 in Jefferson
Co,IA; d. 7 June 1912 in Jewell Co,KS. He married Nancy Jane ELSWICK,
b.30 Aug 1848, Monroe Co, IA, d. 25 Aug 1936 in Jewell Co,KS. She grew
up in Putnam Co. They were married in Putnam Co. on 7 Dec 1862. They had
at least 7 children in Putman Co. before they moved to KS in 1879: Charles
Wesley, George Washington, David Marion, Ida Emaline, Emma Ellen, Hattie,
and Amanda. He was in the Civil War. I have info on some of the descendants
to share. Holly Borncamp, 8/97
I am a descendant of a couple, who were at least partially raised and then
married in Putnam co. Missouri (near Unionville): John Millirons
(1838-1927) and Martha Jane Earhart, (1840-1925). Later they pioneered
in Cloud co. Kansas. Have considerable material on 2 generations of ascendants
and several lines of descendants, including another researcher researching:
Samuel Earhart (1837-1898) and Mary Millirons (1840-1928)
Yes, John's sister married Martha's brother. Suspect many siblings and
other relatives in Putnam co. area at one time or another. Visit my home
page for more information.Norris
Taylor, 3/97
Looking for info on family of Sanford and Caroline (Moore) MOORE.
Children: Ada, Ava Velva, Lizzie, Kitty Alice, Charley, Nellie, Della.
Caroline Moore, d. Mar 1899, b. Cox Cem, Adair Co. Sanford and children
present in Putnam Co., Unionville in 1900. By 1911, when Daniel Moore's
(Caroline's father) estate is settled, the 3 youngest children are in the
care of guardian Andrew Franklin Keene in Unionville. Ada Moore m. possibly
George Blaine Mullins; Ava m. TURNER; Lizzie m. BREWER.
Would like any info as to what happened to parents, and who the other children
married. Would like to correspond with any descendants of these children.
Roberts, 6/97
I have an Elia H. Morgan in Putnam co. (Dodge) ca 1850-1862. He
was m. to Ann Hopewell. He went from Putnam co. to Linn co., Oregon.
His parents wre John and Isabella Richardson Morgan. I am trying
to find descendants of Elias and determine connections between other early
Morgans. Nancy Havill Wortman , 2/97
I am a descendant of Andrew J. and Elizabeth Niday Morgan, by way
of Giles Monroe Morgan. Am seeking others of this same line. susan
morgan guttridge, 10/97
The 1900 Putnam, Mo. census shows David & Tabitha MORGAN Children:
Marry; Laban; Zeno (My G'Father); Edith. I am looking for anyone who may
be related. Nancy, 10/97
Looking for relations of Bernice C. Mullenix b. @1917 in Coatsville,
MO. Bernice married Otto E. Parish of New Boston, MO. Any Assistance
appreciated. Debi Harrell , 2/97
Margaret M. Mullinix, b. 1842, Putnam City, MO; m. Major P. Roberts,
b. 1838; dau, Dora Alice, b. 1860. I would like to find other siblings
of Dora Alice, my g.grandmother. Linda,
Martin Partin and Nancy Mullenix were married in Adair co,
Missouri on March 3, 1844. This family relocated to Putnam and/or Schuyler
co. about 1880.
William Partin b. Jan 1847; m. Sarah F.
David M Partin, b. 24 Aug 1849; m. Nancy Jane Gibson, d. 28 Feb 1917
Nicinda Partin, b. 19 Jul 1854; m. Wm. A. Ewing, d. 1 Jul 1931
Preston H. Partin, b. Dec 1857; m. Sarah L., living 1931
Matilda E. Partin, b. 1 Jan 1858; m. Joseph Wm. May, d. May 8, 1928
Jesse Partin, b. Jul 1859; m. Winda, living 1917
Would like to contact other descendents of this couple. Also find out death dates
and burial place. Lawrence May, 2/97
Seeking descendants of Benjamin Pickering, b. 1815, Greene co, Tennessee
and Malinda White, who lived in Putnam co. Missouri in 1860.
Jacobs, 3/97
I am looking for information on Jacob Pickinpaugh whose parents
were Peter Pickinpaugh and Virginia Phillips and whose brothers
included John (my g g grandfather), b. Feb 13, 1833, d. Mar 7 1916 and
Flecther of Olive Green, OH. At John's death, Jacob was living in Livonia,
MO. Thank you. Sarah Rust, 2/98
We think our relative Elisha Powers founded the town of Powersville; probably
around the early 1800's. Can anyone verify there was a town of that name
history. Thanks. Alice Richardson
Seeking information on John Queroli. Only information I have is
that he suffered from Tuberculosis and went to Colorado Springs, Colorado
where he married my grandmother, Clara Dodd. John died and I believe
was buried in or near St. John's Station (Pulaski or Putnam co.) I believe
his father owned a Cigar store. Will appreciate any information.
Sharon Ivy, 2/97
Interested in the above families and any related famililes in Putnam County
beginning in 1850s. Sam Redding, 5/97
Looking for information on William J Rice and Sarah Mullins Rice.
Their children were all born in Putnam co near Livona during the years
of 1868-1884. One child: Laura Belle, b. 29 April 1875; d. 19 Oct 1877
in Putnam co and is buried there. We know William J and Sarah ended up
in Custer co NE. Also would like information on Erastus and Amanda Mason
Rice. Would share any information. Marilyn
Tetschner, 5/97
About 1906 or 1907, a family reunion was held at the home of Artistarchus
"Stark" and Josephine Millirons Smith. Their farm was near Hartford,
Putnam Co. According to my grandmother, who was 6/7 years old and attended,
a group picture was taken. Does anyone have this family picture? Am willing
to pay to have copy made. Thanks. Linda
Emry, 6/97
Suggestion: Have you checked with Millirons above?
Looking for George W. Smith, b. 1810 in PA; wife, Lucy. Moved to
Putnam co. @ 1858; buried 18 Jun 1873, Putnam co. His grave stone said
"Rev. George W. Smith". I hope to find where in PA he came from and his
wife's name. Thanks for any help. Joy
Hyde, 12/97
I am looking for Francis M. Spencer who lived in Dodge/Putnam co.
from 1840-1865. He is listed in the 1850 census as 38 years old from Ohio.
I do know that he was born in Fairfield co. OH. Maybe there will be a record
about his family. He m. Anna Blalock, but do not if they married
in MO or OH. Tonya Sarver, 4/97
I am researching the STILL family. My great-grandfather, Nathan(iel)Rufus
Alexander STILL lived in Hartford, Putnam co. in the 1840's; b.
in NC in 1844. He had a brother named Joe STILL. Nathan worked for
the Pony Express for a while. He and Joe moved to Texas in the late 1850's.
He first lived in Panola County, Texas, then later moved to Rusk County,
Texas. His first wife was Mary. His second wife, Josephine Vaughan,
was my great grandmother.I appreciate any help. Sharon
Grasshoff, 6/97
Seeking information on the Stites/Stiles family who was in Putnam
co. in the 1860's and migrated back and forth between Putnam and Scotland
counties. Also seeking informaton on wagon trains leaving from this area
@ 1862. Susan Bockoven , 3/97
Greenbury SUMMERS married Caroline MORGAN, b. @1820. They
are living in Shelby Co, IL in the 1850 census. They show up in Union Twp,
Putnam County, MO in the 1860 and 1870 census with their children: William,
James Martin, Phebe, Mary, Samuel, John, Sarah, Nancy, Greenbury, Charles
and Louisa.. Does anyone know this family? Vicki
Hutchison, 6/97
I am looking for any family of TOWELL. My great great great grandparents
were ISAAC and MARAGRET TOWELL. They died in Putnam County. Isaac
died in 1900. I would gladly share what information I have. Danny
Towell, 6/97
Looking for the ancestors of: Evans Emsley Vestal or Amasa Evins
Vestal b. Dec 1860, in MO; m. Elizabeth Stivers, b. March 1863.
Children: William Ben; Charles T; Allen W; Levi I. A.; Jasper O. F.; Dent;
Jeptha N.; Aaron D; Elizabeth. Stewart Williams, 12/96
I am seeking information on Curtis Green West and other desendants.
Lived in Putman Co. in 1860's, married to Melvina Jane Collins,
many children. Charles A. West jr.,
About 1865 Charles Williams and his 2nd wife Mary Francis
moved from Louisa Co, IA to what is now Union twp, Putnam co. MO. Charles
had 2 children by his 1st wife Mary Woodsides: James Leander and
Arthur M. By his 2nd wife he had 7 children: Harrison; Gamaliel Barstow;
Sylvester; Charels, Jr; Robert; Amelia S; Effie Jane. Sylvester still lived
in Putnam co. as late as 1880. I would like to contact any descendants
of these people to exchange data. I have quite a bit of interesting information.
Fields, 2/98
Hi! I'm helping a friend of mine do some genealogy research. Her Grandfather
was John Frank Williams b. Glenwood, Missouri, @1864; m. Ida May
b. @1889. Child: Evelina "Eva", 1911?. Irene Williams, b. 2 Sep
1918 Nevada, MO. Evelina's birth certificate states John was 54 when she
was born and Ida was 29. It states his occupation as Section Howel P.R.
& Co. Would that be sometime of military?? We're sure he had other
children by other women/wifes. Any information you could share with us
would be greatly appreciated! Debbie,
Thomas Young of Putnam Co, MO, is presumed to be an only child born
abt. 1880-1890, m. Olga BLAND (b. 12/5/1894), daughter of Mary Viola
(b. 1/29/1870). Had one known son, Walter YOUNG, b. 9/24/1922. Thomas
and Olga were m. 1921 and divorced abt. 1930. Looking for *any* information
on the mysterious Thomas, his wife, her parents, and Mary Viola's maiden
name. Michael Young, 6/97
to Putnam County